Friday, December 10, 2010

Happy Crafty and GReeN Holidays!!!!

My favorite time of year is now upon us and I've been on a mission for months to come up with the most meaningful handmade gifts that I could possibly find!

I will include just a few of my favorites now and hopefully get some photos up of some completed items as it draws closer to the 25th.

--Handmade Coasters--
16 cent tiles from Lowes turn some Mod Podge and scrapbook paper into fine looking filler gift!!!

--Bath Salts--
Epsom salts mixed with some baking soda and sea salt turn into a fine, soothing soak for sore muscles. Add some lavender essential oils for an aromatic touch! :)

Happy Holidays!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Where has this year gone?!?

I can't believe that December is almost here! I feel like time has passed so quickly since I last updated but then I took inventory of what I've accomplished since then and I feel much better about myself ;)

Gardening is about done for the season, though I do have a few peppers in the garden still waiting to turn red or yellow and even some tomatoes that might ripen before it's too cold.

The savings have been great lately, but my absolute favorite.........

.....AWESOME Handmade Christmas gifts! I will post pictures soon, but just wanted to wet your appetites a little first ;)

Have a great week!!!!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

A long time comin'

It's been a solid month now that migraines have kept me "out of the loop". Thanks be to God for such a wonderful husband (who happens to be a teacher on summer break right now) who has been around to care for my 12 month old and myself as I've seen numerous doctors (NOT my favorite GReeN habit, but my mortal habit, nonetheless) and had a battery of tests run. Hopefully everything comes back fine, but in the time being, we'll wait and hope and make progress. :-)

Lots of deals to come, though, I promise!!! Happy SaViNgS!!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

More Savings! :-)

----This was a Target trip from two days ago. I actually got a big bottle of Vaseline Aloe as well, but forgot to put it in the photo!
----Total after gift card and mail in rebates=FREE

[My latest shopping adventures have really paid off in the saving of some cash-ola!!!]

----This was also a Target trip. Several of the items were only purchased because the coupon made the item free and gave me a dollar overage for the other purchases! Total=$3.50-3.99 (can't remember for sure)

----Last but not least was a trip to CVS. I got all four of the Stayfree for FREE!

----Total after coupons and mail in rebates=$2.36!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

In other GrEeN News.......

I often say that part of my going GrEeN is about saving GReeN! Well, here is my latest attempt at saving some GrEeN. FORGIVE ME for buying paper items and 'sposies (see previous post "vent"), but check out this deal! I got ALL of this for 1 dollar less than I normally pay just for the diapers! :) I'm so proud of myself!

Out in the Gardens:

We are continuing to harvest tomatoes (Better Boy and Grape) that taste quite yummy. The zucchini and squash plants both up and died two weeks ago, so no more of those (until I make it to the local nursery to buy a flat of plants). The green beans are quite delicious, when they are grown enough to harvest (maybe once every week). Here are a few garden photos.


Yes I'll admit that I'm not the most crunchy of crunchy mommas out there. So sue me. I must be an awful person because I use disposible diapers and toilet paper and tampons, but guess what! Rome wasn't freakin' built in a day and neither has my desire to be 100% gReeN. The End.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Father's Day Lunch

Tomato Biscuits (homemade biscuit and garden fresh tomato)
Green Beans (fresh from the garden)
Cottage Cheese (JRs Favorite)

The Daddy was impressed, the baby tried everything and seemed to like most of it, and I was happy because it was nearly FREE and almost completely organic! :)